HDR Photography

With Jamie and Mike getting their cameras, my interest in more technical photography was aroused. A new trend of High Dynamic Range photography has taken off. HDR has been around for almost ten years now, but has taken off recently with easy to use software and the wide use of digital cameras. The concept is you take a number of photographs, each with a different exposure setting. You begin with the ideal picture, lets say at 1/8 sec, then you would take one at 1/60 sec and one at 1/2 sec. This will give you a wider range of colours and tones then you could get by just taking one image.

1/60 sec 1/8 sec 1/2 sec

One of the most important things is to keep the camera very still for these! I took a total of 12 images for this as this was my first experience, from the 12 I chose these three images, plugged them into my HDR software and here is the result.

HDR Sunset

This technique is very useful for taking pictures inside churches and anytime you wish to take a picture in an environment where you have a bright light in a dark room, like stained glass windows, or from doorways facing outside. I look forward to testing this in November!

{edit September 30}
Today I did two more pictures with HDR.


{edit October 05}
Today I did one more picture with HDR.