Title: Investigation Into the Invisible World
Rating: 2/10
Genre: Documentry?
Released: 1998
Review: Investigation Into the Invisible World delves into Iceland’s unselfconscious belief in hidden beings— elves, ghosts, sea monsters and aliens. Given the Icelandic church’s openness to pagan traditions, these descendents from Nordic conquerors and Irish slaves openly embrace all things mystic in both public and private life. With respect for his subjects, director Jean-Michel Roux has children and adults relate stories of elf friends, sea-monster sightings, or conversations with ghosts. A police officer remembers a time when a woman emerged pregnant from visits to the elves’ rocks. The film’s artistry reveals Iceland’s breathtaking landscape, and employs haunting, evocative sounds that simulate an alternate reality and lend insight into the Icelandic soul.