Title: Tiger Land
Rating: 8/10
Genre: War
Released: Review: This movie is yet another Vietnam genre. The main difference is that it exclusively takes place in the US. Tigerland is a movie depicting an individual who is too smart for his own good in “this mans army”. He has this gift of getting anyone out of the army, but himself, but he blames it on being a coward. Since he does not play soldier, some of the other grunts and all the command staff despise him. The common grunts for making a mockery of the system and therefore their decision to join up. The senior officers take a dislike to him for many obvious reasons, such as not taking part in their soldiering, helping people get out through every loophole possible and “attitude”, such as questioning why would one want to hurt another human being. Overall this movie is a good watch, it's not graphic, it's not full of death and destruction, it's about one man who questions the system and does not want to take part in hurting other human beings. A good watch.