Title: Ocean's Twelve
Rating: 2/10
Genre: Crap
Released: 2004
Review: Noooooooooooooooooooo! Ack, don't see this thing unless the only thing you're looking for is to stare at Brad Pitt/George Clooney/Matt Damon/etc. 'cause that's about all you're going to get. in typical Hollywood fashion, a tonne was spent on actors, with the remainder going into special effects. Notice anything missing from that list? writers perhaps? The plot's not really there, and you get the feeling the director shot whatever the hell he thought would look cool, then slapped it all on film and call it a movie. I mean c'mon, at least make a half-hearted effort to tie up the film in the end. Anyway's, the remake of 11 wasn't bad, this one's just there to prey on the gullible, go rent Hero or something, and get a decent movie.