Wisdom Teeth

Tuesday, Nov 28, 20:30

Well, it’s T-12h until I go in. I am nervous, thanks to all the horror stories anecdotally told to me by my good friends. I have never been put under or ever have under went this level of bodily work. I don’t expect it to be too bad really, I figure the amount of days I have suffered with the infections I get in the bottom left tooth will be worth the few days of misery. So to keep myself occupied I am working on the McKenzie Towne lease, reading lawyer speak and trying to stay focused on it. So here are some of the rules for undergoing this procedure:

No food or liquids for 12h prior

No Alcohol for 24h

No contact lenses

No jewelry

Short sleeve shirt and comfortable clothes

Tuesday, Nov 28, 22:15

Just finished reading all the material provided by the oral surgeon, some of the information is pertaining to the different types of surgeries, the types of wisdom teeth growth and what I should be expecting. Me in my infinite wisdom decided this would be a good idea to know everything there is to know prior to the surgery, especially since I didn’t even know what dry socket was.

My wisdom teeth are fairly straight, with the top two fully erupted and the bottom two are erupted as well, but just barely. This causes me a great deal of problems, as I get a monthly infection, they are also pressing into my other teeth pushing them forward.

This is the wisdom tooth that causes me all the problems


So at this moment in time I am fairly worried about the whole procedure, thinking about all the blood, the stitches and the soreness in my mouth for days. No, more the just worried, I’m more on the level of terrified at this period of time. 

Wednesday, Nov 29, 8:00

HELP ME… I don’t want to go…

Wednesday, Nov 29, 12:00

It’s over, four less teeth in my mouth. Unfortunately the doctor threw out the teeth so no pictures of them, which I am a little disappointed in. It was an interesting experience to the the least. I was brought in and layed down, the placed the mask over my face and was told to breath in deeply. The gas smelled strange, not sure how to describe it, maybe like paint thinner fumes. I had to breath in 6 times before I lost conciseness. After that I just remember waking up an hour or so later. I felt fine, just a little sore and just wanting to get out of there. I felt well enough to drive, and was coherent and focused.

Wednesday, Nov 29, 18:00

I have taken a few advils so far, and the bleeding has stopped. I have eaten some pasta, ice cream and some soup. I can feel the four holes with my tongue, and I think there is only one set of stitches.

Wednesday, Nov 29, 23:00

It will be interesting to see how I feel like during the night and mostly in the morning. I might try to remember to take advil before I go to sleep and hopefully during the night. I’m feeling pretty good, a little sore and no bleeding, so I’m taking this as a good sign.

Thursday, Nov 30, 10:00

I woke up once during the night for no real reason around 5m, so I took one advil. Woke up this morning feeling fine. My bottom right side is swollen a little more then yesterday, but nothing too serious. I am hungry, so hungry, when I think about my daily food intake I am running on minimal right now, so I am looking forward to some milk and cereal soon. I will probably go to work as well as there is nothing stopping me.

Friday, Dec 01, 15:00

So far so good still, so far the only annoying part is eating and having to clean out the sockets after. There are certain food items that just do a bang up job of getting stuck back there, and it’s a huge battle to get them clean. Can’t wait for this to be over.

Sunday, Dec 03, 22:00

Today has been the worst pain so far, an all day long throbbing, not overly painful, but enough to keep noticing it all day long. The sockets are very tender and lots of food gets lost in them after each meal, so I spend considerable time cleaning them out, which I think accounts to the majority of the pain and discomfort. I think the worst food to deal with is bread, it has this amazing ability to become superglue and sticks inside the sockets like there is no tomorrow. I have to spend a fain amount of time digging the bread out.

Monday, Dec 04, 21:00

The slight throbbing is there, a dull pain all day long, not overly noticeable until I have to clean the sockets out. The pain can be best described as little needle pricks in the most sensitive spots imaginable. So let me show you some of the pills I am taking, now the funny part is I didn’t know I had Tylenol 3’s until today, and just have been taking the 600mg Ibuprofen.

Tylenol #3

300mg Acetaminophen
15mg Caffeine
30mg Codeine

The Aceteminophen is a fever reducing agent, the codeine is for medium to high pain relief and the caffeine is for rapid absorption. Tylenol #3 is mostly taken for the pain factor.


600mg Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen helps with mild to medium pain, fever and mostly with inflammation. The anti-inflammation properties help with the swelling of the gums around the sockets.

Advil (aka Ibuprofen)

200mg Ibuprofen

Same as above just in a smaller dose. I am taking these to help during times when I need a quick boost of pain relief or when I am going to be cleaning the sockets. Also, the candy coating is psychologically a really helpful placebo.





























Tuesday, Dec 05, 23:30

The cleaning of the sockets after eating has become the bain of my existence. It hurts, it is awkward and most of all, it takes 15 to 20 minutes to get food out. What I have learned is that bread is the food of the devil. It sticks deep down and does not want to come out. I almost have to dig it out! Rice is not too bad, it does get stuck but floats and is in large chunks so it’s easy to see and get out. I also went out with James in the evening for a quick beer and a few games of chess while killing the evening. I go to take a Tylenol #3 because I will be cleaning my sockets out after the not so mini York shire puddings. So I grab the bottle, open it up, pop one in my mouth and swallow it with the help of a good chug of beer. As I was putting the bottle of the T3’s down I noticed this.

I had a good laugh… I did have to do some research as to why, and I found out that codeine puts you to sleep, and mixing it with alcohol only helps.

Wednesday, Dec 06, 23:30

Still some pain, but I have noticed a bump on either side of my lower wisdom teeth in the cheeks. To the touch it’s very tender and fairly painful. The inflamed area is several centimeters tall, and extends to the gums. I have also had a sore throat for a day now as well as both bottom sockets are very tender, so I am worried I might have a slight infection. I called the dentists, told them what is going on and the result is this

Ahhh… my old friend, a 500mg capsule of Amoxicillin, every 8 hours until the bottle is empty.

Tuesday, Dec12, 21:30

Almost all of the pain is gone now, it disappeared with the anti-biotic’s. I am down to an occasional Advil, but that has been mostly for headaches that have plagued me for the last few days. The weather has not changed too much but for some reason I have been getting headaches on and off. The top sockets have begun to fill and feeling them with my tongue it seems they will be closed very soon. The bottom is another story, I am not sure when they will close up. Washing them out is less painful then it was at the beginning, so this tells me that the former root holes have filled and are protected now. I still have to wash out the holes after each meal, and it is still a huge pain in the ass, but at least it does not hurt. On a side note Eliese got her wisdom teeth taken out a few days ago, and it looks like the doctor hit her a few times, as she was yellow from massive bruising.

Wednesday, Feb14, 23:30

Probably one of the last updates. It has been two and a half months since the surgery. My top sockets are fairly closed over and the bottom ones are as well but still have some time to go. Food doesn’t get stuck in them anymore which is a great thing so I do not have to spend tons of time cleaning them out.All I can say is that I am glad it’s over.